About Us

Welcome to Kona Airlines Virtual - Where the pilots have as much fun as the passengers. Got to have that motto thing. As many of you may know, my name is Brett, I am a Twitch flight simming streamer, and have been so for the last several years. Shameless plug here --> twitch.tv/brettsan. The idea for this virtual airline, like most of the things I do, was brought out from a stream, some Kona beer and the notion that "I think I can". My idea, with the help of my chat, is to have "yet another" virtual airline "VA" for those uninitiated where you could fly what you wanted, when you wanted and to where you wanted. Unlike the other VA's that require you to earn your ranks, my thought was to have a place where it's about the fun and experience. There is a modern ACARS for tracking your flights and we have some great people working to help us with any question you might have. Whether about real life flying or not, there is someone here to answer your questions.

Well that sounds interesting you may say, well the idea is that everyone will have a say, well let me rephrase that, those who participate in the VA will have a say as to what planes are available and what routes or flights are avaialble. I want to start with the basics as we all kinda know what the most popular planes are. But as said, I am all about making this as much yours as it is mine.<

So, I won't bore you to death with too much more but if this sounds like something you want to give a go, please click the link to sign up.

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0 flights this month

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0 miles this month

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0 hours this month

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0 active this month