Flight Updates

posted by Brett Donahue on 2020-03-16

Hello Pilots.

Quick update:
Website seems to continue to be stable and running 5 starts. We broke thru 100 hours of fly time already which is huge. I am thinking of how I can put together a little news letter to give back to everyone so we can see how thing are running. More to come on this.

I have uploaded the latest set of requested routes and also added some slots for our Kona routes. Figure I would start with the magical 25 flights as a start. If you search flights KOO or look for Kona Airlines you will be able to see them. My thought is that I can easily change existing routes so we can fly on the VA without having to update the whole schedule as doing that takes about 45 min each time I do. Editing the flight is a couple of minutes.

For some interesting news, hope this is ok to share. I got an email from the support guy at the VA today and our idea for a community flight section in the VA has been added to the list of feature requests. Now I do not t know if that is a good thing or it is a black hole but at least it is something.

Anyway, enough for now as I need to kick off that new schedule upload.

BTW, if you know of anyone that might be interested in joining the VA, I would really appreciate the help to have them sign up.
